| 3/18/24

Unspoken Security Ep 10: True Stories from the Dark Web

In this episode of Unspoken Security AJ Nash is joined by Roman Sannikov, the President of Constellation Cyber LLC. Before his current efforts conducting research and delivering Intelligence reports for various clients, Roman has led multiple teams focused on combatting threats in the Deep and Dark Web.

Roman and AJ give a brief overview of what we all mean when we say "Deep Web" or "Dark Web" to ensure we're all speaking the same language and then discuss the subcultures and self-regulation within some of the busiest criminal marketplaces. Roman provided insights into things that have changed over the last couple of decades (and what has remained the same) as cybercriminals have become more structured and professionalized.

The discussion turned to an exploration of things people often misunderstand when it comes to cybercriminal marketplaces and how easily people can go wrong in their choices for how to combat these threats. From there, the show focused on some of the myths and true stories from Roman's long and storied career as a resident within the cybercriminal underground, including some fascinating stories about his work on behalf of the FBI.

As always, the show wraps up with our guest revealing something that had, to this point, gone "unspoken." While I don't want to give too much away, Roman didn't disappoint when he revealed his "unspoken" truth.


Unspoken Security Ep 11: How to Demonstrate the Value of Cyber Threat Intelligence


Unspoken Security Ep 9: Spite as Career Fuel