| 5/27/24

Unspoken Security Ep 15: People are the Solution

In this episode of Unspoken Security, A.J. Nash and Adam Darrah (Senior Director of Dark Ops, ZeroFox) dive into the symbiosis between intelligence backgrounds and cybersecurity. With his roots in the CIA, Adam brings a nuanced perspective on transitioning these skills to private-sector cybersecurity, emphasizing the value of human insight and technical prowess.

The conversation underscores the blend of experience and innovation, where Adam's journey from the CIA to ZeroFox exemplifies leveraging governmental training in entrepreneurial landscapes. It reflects on the essential role of people in cybersecurity, challenging the notion that technology alone can safeguard digital realms.

Moreover, the dialogue navigates through the ethos of cybersecurity operations, highlighting the critical, yet often unappreciated, human element. It dispels the stereotype of cybersecurity work as purely technical, revealing the depth of human engagement in understanding and mitigating threats.

Finally, as with all episodes of Unspoken Security, Adam reveals what has been "unspoken" in his life up to this point...and it's another great reveal.


Unspoken Security Ep 16: Facts and Myths of Insider Programs


Unspoken Security Ep 14: Evolution of the CISO Live from RSAC!